um... what about selling it on Ebay and buying a device that actually  
does what you want it to do?


On Aug 23, 2005, at 2:31 PM, Adam Maloney wrote:

> Should I trust the filtering code enough to permit only specific  
> MAC's, and then not enter any in the list?  (Am thinking no...)
> I assume even if I turn off SSID broadcast, it will still be  
> detectable in some way?
> Wrap it in tinfoil?
> On Tue, 23 Aug 2005, Ben Kochie wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> unfortunately, this is one of the non-broadcom based boxes, and  
>> you can't even run OpenWRT on it.
>> it also looks like the wifi is soldered to the mainboard, so you  
>> can't just remove it.
>> - -ben
>> "Unix is user friendly, Its just picky about its friends."
>> On Tue, 23 Aug 2005, Adam Maloney wrote:
>>> Okay, I know this list is all about spreading the joy and love of  
>>> wireless, but...
>>> I need a way to completely disable the wireless functionality of  
>>> the WRT54GC.
>>> I found a thread on-line reviewing these, and it sounds like some  
>>> other Linksys models have a wireless mode of "Disable"  This one  
>>> does not, I just have Mixed, G Only, and B Only.
>> Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)
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