when last we saw our hero (Wednesday, May 05, 2004), 
 Neal Krasnoff was madly tapping out:
> On 5/5/04 9:30 AM, "Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom" <chrome at real-time.com>
> wrote:
> > http://meshcube.org/english/specs.html
> > 
> > very cute, very nifty. MIPS processor, 100baseT, PoE, USB,
> > supports multiple (!?) mini-PCI cards.
> > 
> > someone also said that there's a VGA mini-PCI card available.
> > hmmm...
> > 
> > Carl.
> $200 for a kit and $240 assembled? No thanks.

well you can blame part of that on a strong euro. ;-)

the balance of that doesn't seem too horribly out of whack.   if you
consider that a wrt54g only has a single radio in it, doesn't support
PoE and doesn't have quite the same level of horsepower with a street
price of roughly $100-120.  $200 doesn't seem too bad. 

plus the case is pretty cool.  

{ snipped - misc .signatures }

steve ulrich                       sulrich at botwerks.org
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