
We're looking to buy a couple handheld devices to do indoor and outdoor site
surveys with. We'd prefer to avoid Windows-based devices, and are looking
for inexpensive solutions as we may be buying several more. Units that can
also do security audits would be a plus, although not required. GPS would be

Many of the units seem to be very expensive, and some make you buy the
Windows handheld separately. Is there anything out there that's good and
based on, say, the Zaurus?

So what's your preference?


Mike Ellsworth
The WiMAX Guys, LLC
StratVantage Consulting, LLC
mellsworth at stratvantage.com
Get a free one-hour wireless network evaluation. Forward this message to
freebie at theWiMAXGuys.com
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety.
 Ben Franklin, ~1784

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