i was really curious to try that out and went out and tried it from
the park by orchestra hall and along the front of the hilton.  color
me unimpressed, but candidly the weather for IETF wasn't all that
conducive to hanging outside and "chillin'" with your laptop. 
coverage inside this time around was equally spotty. 

given the spectrum involved here color me a tad sceptical on this
stuff until the signal processing gets better. 

when last we saw our hero (Saturday, Nov 22, 2003), 
 Scott Dier was madly tapping out:
> BTW, when IETF was here they had an outdoor phased array antenna to
> cover some areas outside the hotel, including Brit's Pub.
> Supposedly it worked failry well.  The unit is quite spendy, but it
> sounded like it has a few AP's in it and gets something like 120deg
> coverage.  I didn't have a chance to try it out, though.
> http://www.vivato.net/prod_tech_overview.html
> * Andy Warner <andyw at pobox.com> [031121 21:06]:
> > Matthew S. Hallacy wrote:
> > > I've seen the stuff advertised, but it was too expensive to even
> > > bother trying it. Let us know how it goes =)
> > > 
> > > On Fri, Nov 21, 2003 at 02:56:15PM -0600, Mike Ellsworth wrote:
> > > > I've had leaky coax recommended to me for a long hallway
> > > > install, and there seem to be two schools of thought: it
> > > > works; it doesn't.
> > 
> > I've not heard firsthand of one good 2.4GHz install with the
> > stuff. I particularly doubt it's effectiveness in a duplex
> > environment - I think it is more useful in a broadcast
> > environment.
> > 
> > Is the hallway straight ? Any compelling reason not to stick a
> > small panel antenna at one end ?

{ snipped - misc .signatures }

steve ulrich                       sulrich at botwerks.org
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