when last we saw our hero (Sunday, Nov 16, 2003), 
 andrewzimmer was madly tapping out:
> I have a couple ideas for the next meeting.
> CompUSA has the WRT54G on sale this week for $90.00 plus a $10.00
> mail-in rebate.  I picked one up for the group to goof with.  I have
> heard murmurings that the firmware runs linux thus allowing us to
> possibly add NoCat to the machine.  Feedback would be appreciated.

a couple of weeks ago i was playing with the nocat stuff for the 54g.
it's pretty fun.  i've been more interested with making the box route
as of late as a low budget router for backbone type applications but
the nocat config is pretty slick, although, it requires some
infrastructure to make it happy.   i'd be interested to compare notes
on this if i can ever make it to a meeting agin. ;-)

> I am working on the NoCat portal for Loring Park.  I was thinking I
> could replicate the steps I am taking in the meeting.  I will bring
> in my laptop and my LCD monitor.  My monitor is only a 14" and is
> pretty dark.  That's what you get for a $200 demo monitor.  For the
> numbers that have been currently attending it should be sufficient
> but if more attend it would help if someone were to volunteer an
> alternative.

steve ulrich                       sulrich at botwerks.org
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