On Fri, Jun 13, 2003 at 02:34:07PM -0500, Ben Nelson wrote:
> Lastly, the dates for our next two meetings: 6:00 to 8:00, July 8 and August
> 12 at the Freight House Dunn Bro¹s (Map and directions:
> http://tinyurl.com/79jt). We¹re keeping our second Tuesday of the month
> schedule for the time being.

I would like to suggest that people who bring laptops to the meeting
be prepared to join the IRC channel (irc.freenode.net/#tcwug).  This
will make sharing URLs much easier than shouting them across the table.


Twin Cities Wireless Users Group Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
tcwug-list at tcwug.org