On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 12:52:17PM -0500, Nate Carlson wrote:
>On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, Dave W. wrote:
>> Does anyone know what speed you can reasonably expect from those
>> T-Mobile and Sprint wireless services?
>Haven't used T-Mobile myself; Sprint, I usually get ~300ms latency (more
>if I'm doing something on the link), and downloads from 7-12kbytes/sec
>(feels about like an ISDN line, except for the latency.)
That is pretty much what I see with my sprint link as well.  I have used
this connection at driving speeds of > 100mph and not had any network
disturbance.  (no, I was not driving :))  I love my sprint connection.

Linux Administrator || Technology Specialist || Wifi Engineer
http://autonomous.tv/~spencer/resume/ || spencer at autonomous.tv
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