all - 

( i'll follow up with some parties unicast since the server seems to be )
( having problems as of late.                                           ) 

i've reserved the table in back at the university avenue dunn brothers
for our informal meeting this saturday @ 5:00 PM.  this location has
wireless internet access which should be handy.

contact information for this dunn bros.  is as follows. 
530 University Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55414
dunnbros10 at
map - [1]

there should be parking available on the street nearby and in the
small lot behind the coffee shop iirc. 

the table is in my name - if there are any questions please don't
hesitate to drop a line.  


[1] -

steve ulrich                       sulrich at
PGP: 8D0B 0EE9 E700 A6CF ABA7  AE5F 4FD4 07C9 133B FAFC