Hey Ben-

I am uncertain if we can actually get the tax write-offs for donors.
That's a Ham-Radio-Club-Lawyer-Question. I believe we need to pay a
$200.00 / year fee for the privilage of giving away tax write-off's. If
that's the case, let's make sure we get our $200.00 (or whatever fee) a
year write-off's worth! =)

---Matthew Genelin---

> Hash: SHA1
> thanks for taking a look at it.  you sumed up our problems with the
> agreement.  The ham club is a really small group, and we have only
> slightly more funding than TCWUG, mostly because I gave the group $20
> for dues ;)
> I would like to see equipment and/or money donated to the club.  we are
> a registered U student organization, and a registered non-profit org.
> so anyone donating can recive tax write-offs.  the main reasons I was
> given for why there needs to be a lease involved, is that Arnan does not
> want the equipment donated, and taken home/pocketed by club members.  I
> can understand this, but setting up a lease agreement is not the way to
> do it.
> I'm willing to cough up a few hundred $ to purchase some of the
> equipment. I am thinking about picking up outdoor enclosures, antenna
> masts, LMR-400, and associated LMR-400 tools.  I may also order a
> soekris SBC so that I can start testing and setting up my hostAP linux
> distro.
> the soekris board is $277 for a single unit, or $270 for 2-4 units.  so
> if anyone wants to go in on an order, let me know.  maybe we can get
> enough orders to get the 5-24 discount.
> - -ben
>  "Unix is user friendly, Its just picky about its friends."
> On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Bob Tanner wrote:
>> Quoting SpencerUnderground (spencer at autonomous.tv):
>> > I reported last week we had a donor for some equiptment to install
>> on Moos Tower. Well, we still do. However, there is a hurdle that we
>> must overcome.
>> Can you or someone from the Radio Club eloborate on why they wouldn't
>> sign it?
>> Since the TCWUG is just a group of people, who just share a common
>> interest, who is going to sign on the dotted line?
>> Is the group really ready and willing to accept the following points:
>> Item 6 is a little draconian. If I read this right, something breaks,
>> TCWUG would be responsible to fix it. Where does the money come from?
>> Item 9 is another draconian measure. Hail storm comes through, TCWUG
>> would be responsible for fixing/replacing the equipment. What is the
>> value of the equipment?
>> Item 10 requires more money.
>> Item 14 isn't part of what is trying to be done here for personal,
>> family and household purposes? I know I'd like to use it for personal
>> usage.
>> Personally, I would not sign this lease. Since TCWUG has no funds, I
>> would not want to have to fork out the (personal) cash if any of the
>> above lease items need to be invoked.
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
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> =9ga8
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> tcwug-list at tcwug.org
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