On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, Nate Carlson wrote:
> I've got a DNS server up and running that supports full dynamic dns
> updates and such.. I could host any domain there that we'd like ddns
> running on. Or we can do it on Killdeer, if it's not something we want to
> spread to the rest of the 'net.

 *shrug*  Whatever works.

> >  The one thing I learned from someone else who implemented it is to
> > make sure that the clocks on both the client and server are fairly
> > close; NTP comes in handy here.
> Hey, that was me too.  :)

 You answered the question when it was asked, yes.  You didn't bring it 
up, though. :P
 I think maybe I'll try to get that working today.
