On Tue, Jun 11, 2002 at 07:27:36AM -0500, steve ulrich wrote:
>very nicely done.  in looking at the nodes it looks like we have a few
yes matthew. very nicely done indeed.
>places where we might be able to have some overlap but it looks like
>as we had suspected we're pretty well spread out.  i think the best
>hopes we have of getting cooperative node links are between my
>(pending) second node and AAA and jack who is also in the area.
yes yes yes. my current radio is an smc2652.; I need to get an external
antenna mounted in the near future.  Does anyone know off hand the type
of connector I need for the smc end?  All the same I would like to use
something  else for this project, like maybe a linux box doing hostAP.
>it seems to me that there might be a couple of different ways to skin
>this cat.  if we're keen on the wired hotspot mode of operation we
>might want to see about getting more people interested in our
>activities here.  this has the added benefit of getting us more
>potential access point locations.  
>in order to minimize the pain of doing this for people we should make
>it as straightforward as possible which brings us back to the cookbook
>configuration concept.
>the other way to skin this cat seems to be to find locations where we
>can put up hub nodes that have decent LOS to a few folks and see about
>getting wired connectivity to these locations.  
>other thoughts?
I see no reason why we can't skin all cats :-).  I found a couple of
nodes yesterday with an essid of PARK_01, and they were near a park that
is close to me!  Maybe someone is already thinking along these lines?

http://autonomous.tv/			       spencer at autonomous.tv
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