On Tue, Aug 06, 2002 at 01:27:45AM -0500, Bryan Halvorson wrote:

> I'm willing to serve as a relay point. I'm on a ridge on the north
> side of Apple Valley and have an 80 foot tower for my Ham Radio
> antennas. I already have a 2.4 gig omni antenna up and am planning a
> point-to-point link to the south side of Lakeville to a friend with a
> 120 foot tower. I don't have a computer put together to run it yet but 
> I haven't been in a hurry so far. We could put three or more of the big 
> Andrew 24 db gain antennas on my tower without any problems. 

*perk!* Apple Valley you say? Got some GPS coordinates so I can see
just how far from me you are? I've got access to a tall-ish hill that
can see south pretty well in IGH.  You might want to take a look at
http://maps.tcwug.org, e-mail me a password and I can add you right away.

> >From up on my tower I have line of sight to a large portion of the
> cities including both downtowns.
> -- 
> Bryan Halvorson
> bryan at edgar.sector14.net

Matthew S. Hallacy                            FUBAR, LART, BOFH Certified
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